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All Muni Bonds Are Not Created Equal

The city of Detroit emerged from bankruptcy in 2014. Still, 它之前无力支付AG捕鱼王新版app下载者,这让一些人质疑他们长期以来对市政债券相对安全的假设. Without question, in the wake of Detroit’s troubles, 更好地了解市政债券比以往任何时候都更有意义.1


  1. General obligation bonds, 哪些是发行人承诺征收足够的税款以全额及时支付给AG捕鱼王新版app下载者.
  2. Revenue bonds, 哪些债券的利息和本金是由债券所资助的项目的收入支持的.


Types of Risk

一般债券和收益债券都有一定的AG捕鱼王新版app下载风险, including, but not limited to, market risk (the risk that prices will fluctuate), 信用风险(发行人无法付款的可能性), 流动性风险(市政市场可能缺乏流动性,导致销售价格低迷), 通货膨胀风险(通货膨胀可能削弱本息支付购买力的风险). 他们还可能分担赎回风险,即债券可能在到期前被赎回的风险.


Managing Risk


用于支持供水或污水处理等基本服务的债券也被认为风险较低. 这些服务通常不受可能影响其他收入债券的经济状况的影响, such as private activity munis, 哪些项目由私营企业和其他民间借款人提供资金.

因为任何一个城市的财政健康都无法得到保证, diversification may help counter some of the risk involved.3

Since municipal bonds generally are sold in increments of $5,对于较小的AG捕鱼王新版app下载者来说,可能会受到不利的定价, 许多个人指望共同基金来管理他们的市政债券AG捕鱼王新版app下载组合, since they offer the diversification, research, analysis, and buying power that most individuals can’t match.4

Mutual funds are sold only by prospectus. 请在AG捕鱼王新版app下载前仔细考虑各项收费、风险、费用及AG捕鱼王新版app下载目标. 你可以从你的金融专业人士那里获得一份包含这些信息和其他AG捕鱼王新版app下载公司信息的招股说明书. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.

1., 2024
2., 2024. 市政债券发行人可能无法支付利息或本金, which may lead to the issuer defaulting on the bond. If this occurs, the municipal bond may have little or no value.
3. Municipal bonds are free of federal income tax. 对于居住在债券发行地区的AG捕鱼王新版app下载者来说,市政债券也可以免征州和地方所得税. 如果债券持有人购买AG捕鱼王新版app下载于其他州发行的债券的市政债券基金的股份, the bondholder may have to pay income taxes. 某些市政债券的利息可能会在购买后被确定为应纳税.
4. Diversification is an approach to help manage investment risk. 如果市政债券价格下跌,这并不能消除损失的风险.

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