Retirement Read Time: 4 min

Social Security: The Elephant in the Room

For most Americans, 社会保障只不过是一些不可避免的工资扣减,加上“FICA”和“OASDI”(联邦AG捕鱼王在线app下载缴款法和老年法案)这两个含糊不清的首字母, Survivors and Disability Insurance). It hinted at a future that seemed both intangible and far away.


随着越来越多的公民接近退休,问题和担忧比比皆是. Is Social Security financially healthy? How much will my income benefit be? How do I maximize my benefits for my spouse and myself? When should I begin taking Social Security?

Questions & Elephants

回答这些问题可能会帮助你从你的社会保障福利中获得最大的收益,并有可能提高你退休后的经济保障. 在你回答这些问题之前,你必须承认房间里的大象.


Reasonable Concern

Social Security was created in 1935 during Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term. 它的目的是为那些几乎没有经济来源的美国老年人提供收入. 该国深陷经济衰退的泥潭,迫切需要这种支持.1

Since its creation, 有三个基本的发展导致了今天社会保障面临的财政挑战.

  1. 向该系统(支持当前福利支付)缴费的工人数量已从1955年的每8名工人对应2名退休人员.8 in 2021. That ratio is expected to fall to 2.3 to 1 by 2038.2,3
  2. 一开始是专门提供退休福利的项目,后来演变成对残疾工人和幸存家庭成员的收入支持. 这些增加的债务并不总是与在财政上支持这些额外目标所需的工资扣减数额相匹配.
  3. Retirees are living longer. As might be expected, 医疗技术的进步和我们对健康行为的理解导致了更长的退休时间, potentially placing a greater strain on resources.

从2010年开始,税收和其他非利息收入不再完全覆盖该计划的成本. According to the Social Security Trustees 2022 annual report, this pattern is expected to continue for the next 75 years; the report projects that the trust fund may be exhausted by 2034, absent any changes.4

社会保障的财政问题是真实存在的,但其失败的前景似乎很遥远. 稳定社会保障体系的方法有很多,包括但不限于:

  • Increase Payroll Taxes: 工资税的增加(取决于规模)可能会使信托基金的寿命延长数年.
  • Raise the Retirement Age: 这在过去的改革中已经做到了,并且可以通过在以后的年龄向未来的接受者支付福利来节省资金.
  • Tax Benefits of Higher Earners: By taxing Social Security income for retirees in higher tax brackets, the tax revenue could be used to lengthen the life of the trust fund.
  • Modify Inflation Adjustments: 而不是根据消费者价格指数(CPI)提高福利, 政策制定者可能会选择将未来的福利增长与“链式CPI”挂钩,这是假设人们在面对成本上升时转向更便宜的替代品. 使用“链式CPI”可能会降低生活成本调整的成本.

由于改革可能涉及艰难的选择,预计改革将是困难的. 但鉴于社会保障对这么多退休的美国人起着如此重要的作用, lawmakers are expected to come together and find solutions.

1., 2023
2., 2023
3., 2023
4., 2023

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